9 Ways to maintain your Mental Health
Hi loves! It’s been nearly a month!
I apologize I’ve been quiet on the social front, I made a big decision to expand my creative outlets in February and it took a lot of my mental energy to pour myself into it.
Going through this process, I realized that there’s a fine line between method and madness. I applaud small business owners who have made it past the threshold of incorporating, creating, staying present & keeping a healthy balance between personal & business. For me, I fell almost completely in one end and had to mentally dig myself out to check my mental health status.
This is quite personal, but I believe my experience will hopefully bring support for those who don’t know to find it, or are seeking a community who understands.
Life happens quickly, and I guess, as we grow older, it feels as if there are not enough hours in the day to fully grasp it. I was diagnosed with a severe case of ADHD, which I am now medicated for. Yes, ADHD can be a “blanket” term for what people call “too lazy to want to do something” or “too distracted to want to do something”… I’ve heard it all. But in my case, it affected my relationships, my body, my mental capability to fully form strategies & simple logical decisions. It wasn’t till I went to my GP and asked if there was something to help with my energy levels, immense levels of stress, concentration, extreme fatigue and sensitivity.
Now add social media into the mix. Social media is already a beast that has taken a hit on my mental health. I wrote a post not long ago on my Instagram being pretty honest on why it’s a tough world of numbers out there. Trust me, I am a person who needs to see results, but the psychology behind a visual platform, like Instagram, can take quite a blow on the self esteem of a person, and small business owner.
We are all human, sharing a planet that revolves around a sun. What I learned these past few weeks is to stop thinking that I need 36 hours in a day and simply be present with the journey itself. Yes, some days, your brain will feel like it’s accomplished absolutely nothing, some days you can’t seem to plan more than 2 days ahead. There are weeks or days where I feel like I’ve done this whole “Instagram thing” wrong and it’s hard to commit to pushing content. But I want to let you all know, it’s ok. We are only human.
We are allowed to take breaks. It’s ok to take a mental day, week, or even in my case, month off! I’m writing this because I want you to know where I am authentically and mentally coming from. At the end of the day, I really love what I’m doing - which is creating & sharing to a community I adore. You guys have been such amazing cheerleaders and inspire me so much to be an amazing version of myself - as a creative & artist.
Creating content is my passion and sometimes yes, we all get caught up in the numbers game - that part certainly got me in late February. This is my message to you that it’s ok, step back, see what is really happening around you, and be present again.
With my little social + blog break, I learned a few things and I think it could help you too. See below for my 9 ways to keep myself mentally healthy.
Take a break
Take a break! You deserve it. Our brains & our bodies are not meant to be running 24/7. Just like breathing, you need breaks. Whether it be from socializing, being on social media, working late etc. The worst thing to do is to run yourself down into exhaustion; taking breaks is not only good for your mental health, but your physical health as well.
Talk about it
This doesn’t mean you have to have a big conversation with family members or professionals, but just to have an open conversation with someone you trust & support is a great way of keeping your personal wellbeing in check, as well as to get the support you need. Holding thoughts on your own can be a burden and will take it’s toll ono your health. It might feel a bit awkward at first, but once you open up that conversation, it does gets easier.
Ask for help
Just like anything else in life, we might not know everything. Asking for help is a way to find support especially when you’re tired, overwhelmed, or in need of something that maybe you don’t know you need. Just like keeping an open dialogue, having an open mind and asking for help are the first few steps for getting that support you need (or maybe you didn’t know you needed!)
Drink lots of fluids
This is where I fail the most, I don’t drink enough water and always drink highly caffeinated tea. Add life/work stress as well as a crazy schedule. At the end of the day, dehydrated, tired, migraine, etc. The rule of thumb is to try to drink 2 litres of water a day - and even more if you have coffee, tea or (ahem) wine! We are made up of 75% water so dehydrating ourselves from what we’re made of - not the best for your health in general!
Eat well
Your body is a temple - so treat it well! 4 years ago I made a big change and cut sugar out of my diet. Note that I still have a little here and there - but it made a drastic change in my mood, and energy levels. I was able to lean out physically as well, and saw many more benefits from removing it from my daily diet. We aren’t perfect and it’s definitely a lifestyle choice - pasta dinners are definitely not going to kill you but if you aim to maintain a healthy diet filled with greens, proteins, healthy fats & grains, your body and your mind, will thank you!
Keep active & go outside
Even if it’s just for a walk to get fresh air! What I do every week is I go to the gym twice a week - I go to a personal trainer & she keeps me in check about keeping active and (suggests) all the time what I can do to change my diet to reach my goals. Your body & brain can only function so much after staying inside for so long. So go outside and do something active :)
Do something that makes you happy/ something you’re good at
Or just do something you’ve never done before! For me, I paint. It’s healthy to open your brain to other things other than what you’re normally accustomed to or have it go back to something you’re really good at. I love losing myself into my artwork. Personal enjoyment & discovery is a great way to release stress.
Make something
Personal enjoyment and discovery ties into # 8 for me! Creating or making something always stimulates your brain, and gives it a break to work on a different activity. There are many ways to take a brain break and make something. A lot of people find cooking, baking, painting, and various other activities to be a great way to exercise the brain & to give yourself a bit of a balance.
Clean up your home
For some people, a clean & organized home gives the brain peace of mind as well as positive energy. I did the #konmarimethod (Marie Kondo’s method of Tidying up) and the result was just like what the documentary series stated it would - spark joy. Mind you it does get messier before it gets clean, but an organized, clean home can draw a positive impact on one’s mind & wellbeing.
So there you have it :) My 9 ways to maintain my mental health. I hope this post helps you out with your mental wellbeing! It is important to note that you don’t have to do everything on this list, or someone else’s list, but just do what works for you. I hope this post inspires you to take a mental break, and wanted to let you know if you don’t hear it enough, you ARE enough and it’s ok to take a break!
With love,
photo credit: celine richardson